About SSN

Chapters Under SSN

Recognising the important role played by nurses in the care of patients with renal disease, the Nursing Chapter of the Society was officially formed in 2005 to assume the responsibility of educating and representing the interests of the nursing members of the Society. The founding Chair was Theresa Soh of the Kidney Dialysis Foundation.


The Chapter organises the annual Renal Update for Nurses and also ad-hoc talks by visiting experts. In 2007, the Nursing Day Seminar was introduced to commemorate Nurses’ Day. The Seminar is held annually in August and combines scientific and social activities. The scientific component comprises of an Oral Presentation Competition and a Quiz, whilst the social component has, in the past, included a telematch and a talent quest.

Previous Chairs

Position Name
President A/Prof Jason Choo
Vice-President Dr. Yeo See Cheng

Winners of the Best Oral Presentation (to be confirmed)

Year Recipients
2007 Elena bte Mohamed Aycob A retrospective study of vascular access complications in new end-stage renal failure patients initiating hemodialysis using either arteriovenous fistula or internal jugular catheter (SGH)
2008 Samantha Lim Descriptive study on stress and coping methods in hemodialysis patients in Singapore (SGH)
2012 Andrea Choh Chau Lin Experience of palliative care of end-stage renal disease: a phenomenological approach (SGH)